On the day before at S.Toraighyrov PSU lectured general director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Natural Science, professor of Warsaw University of Technology Andrzej G. Chmielewski on the role of nuclear energy in environmental protection.

Andrzej G. Chmielewski worked at the IAEA, as a UN expert has visited more than thirty countries around the world. Winner of the title "Golden Engineer of the Year", holder of the French Order "Academic Palm" for his merit in the field of education and science. Award winner of the "Science Prize of life" of the International Association of irradiation.

According to Professor Chmielewski, it is necessary by all possible means to implement "Green technologies" to every kilowatt of electricity and kilocalorie of heat that comes into our homes, was obtained from renewable energy sources. In his lecture, Professor Chmielewski simply presented the statistics for the last 10-12 years, in which particularly paid attention to how human activity affects the ecosystems of Earth.

However, Professor Chmielewski, convinced that an active position on this issue, change the rhetoric from the "intent" to the real systematic actions, will allow any citizen of our planet to live in harmony with it.

The culmination of Professor Chmielewski’s lecture was awarding him a "Honorary Professor of PSU S.Toraighyrov" title. In turn, Professor Chmielewski warmly thanked the Rector of PSU A. Orsariyev for the honor done and wished the university systematically steady development.