One of the PSU largest youth organizations celebrated its birthday.

"Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons is the fair of opportunities for students: to show their potential, get new practical knowledge. If you have ideas and willingness to work on interesting projects in the friendly company of caring people, you can become a full member of the Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons "- said Akbota Sarybai, the chairman of community.

In part, the young people become innovators, with some changes in view for the student government.

Kind words of congratulations and farewell expressed Aryn Orsariyev, rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The honorary guest of the festival was the managing partner of “Rakurs Consulting Group” Dosym Kydyrbayev "I discovered for myself a lot of things here. I like the democratic spirit of partnership and equality in a relationship that allows young people to engage in self-realization, and adults to be inspired of the ideas and the spirit of adventure. Freedom is inside us. If we have something to say, we will always find a way to express ourselves. I believe that your platform is ideal for this, "- said Dosym Khamitovich.