On the day before in Astana were summed up the results of the Republican contest of Russian literature "Oi-sana" among youth of non-Russian nationality.

The competition was attended by the winners of oblast and regional stages. The regional level was held in March, entitled "Language - a key to all knowledge", where the winner was recognized Eldana Asanbayeva, a Master’s degree student of group MFK-21a of S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, who won a ticket to the national stage. 

Passed for the eighth year running, republican contest gathered in this time 13 participants from different regions of Kazakhstan. The contest took place in several stages: writing an essay contest in the correct and rapid pronunciation of Russian tongue twisters and instantaneous composition of dialogue on a variety of topics. 

The last tour called "Star of inspiration", where the participants had to perform Russian folk songs and expressively read excerpts from literary works by Russian classics.

Upon completion of all phases, Eldana Asanbayeva was awarded a diploma and a money certificate.

"It is our great achievement that people of non-Russian nationalities from different regions meet and find a common language. This is a clear proof that Russian remains the language of mutual understanding, support and cooperation", - said Eldana