On account of Languages of the People Kazakhstan Day faculty and students of S. Toraighyrov PSU discussed the role of language in the formation of the national unity and preserving social harmony.

As you know, this holiday was established in 1998 and is celebrated on 22 September. 

Organizers were the activists of the "Birlik" Student Assembly and Chair of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Department.

The main goal of the social-scientific conference was to popularize polylingual space among students, as well as the promotion of the state language policy.

Honorary guests of the event were members of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, teachers of the National Revival School named after K. Darzhuman, specialists of center of polylingual education PSU, as well as members of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.

On behalf of the regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Rosa Serasshetdinova, teacher of the Tatars-Bashkir Branch gave a report. In her speech, Rosa Nuriyevna noted the necessity to study native language regardless of place of living, and stressed that such events contribute to the development of cultural and linguistic diversity.

About the importance and prospects of foreign language skills, the complexity of the development of languages in a historical context, told linguists, journalists and historians of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

After the official part, the guests got acquainted with the book exhibition of library collection, where were presented rare books on intercultural communications and linguistics.