The ceremony of certificates delivery to graduates who passed the Unified National Testing at PSU was held the day before at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university.

Prospective students got acquainted with the conditions of studying at targeted faculty and received the answers to all their questions.

Meeting the audience, Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences Arman Akishev told about the conditions for getting quality education by students at the university. In his speech Akishev noted that PSU S.Toraigyrov came from 10 universities of Kazakhstan, which is on the program of MIT SE-2, which will carry out the training of specialists in the field of metallurgy and petrochemicals.

"The university has proud history and many achievements in the field of the higher school of modern Kazakhstan. Every year more and more of our students have the opportunity to study abroad under the "Bolashak" program, "Erasmus", "Tempus", etc. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of PSU adopt the educational, scientific and professional experience at leading universities of the USA, Great Britain, Russia, China within the academic mobility program. Also, today we have a unique opportunity to invite world-class professors", - said Arman Aytmukhametovich.

Traditionally, creative teams of Pavlodar State University student philharmonic performed before an audience.