Round table on the theme: "Advocacy - the activity of progressive and active lawyers" was held yesterday in the walls of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

In this event took part scientists, students and prominent lawyers Leila Abdreisova, Ainash Kulbaeva.

Speech of the head of number 2 Pavlodar legal advice Gulmira Sultanbekova attracted the great interest.

The participants discussed a wide range of questions on important aspects of law practice, the prestige of the profession of lawyer, paid special attention on the problems of employment of law specialties graduates and specified requirements.

"The issue of training specialists, who are able to correctly and efficiently provide legal advice, is topical. As one of the most important social and legal institutions of society, the advocacy should be active in strengthening its status, to protect the citizens rights and liberties in shaping of public opinion,"- said the head of the Law department, Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Akhmedzhanova.

During the discussion of the issues, the roundtable participants agreed that today there is a need to strengthen the position of the advocatory community, to strengthen its role in society, to build a system of effective cooperation with other law-enforcement authorities, to defend democratic and legal achievements of Kazakhstan society.