At S. Toraighyrov PSU finished the Olympiad on Kazakh language, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The competition was attended by students of 1-2 courses of non-indigenous ethnic group, passed preliminary competitive selection on the faculties. Event was organized by the Department of the Kazakh language of S. Toraighyrov PSU. 

Ayman Zeynulina, Candidate of Philological sciences, Professor stressed that according to the Concept of language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is important to create optimal conditions for the development of all the languages of the country, giving the rightful place to the state language. In this context, the annual Olympiad is getting greater actuality.

"We must respect the state language. Our goal is to increase the interest of students to the Kazakh language, to expand its scope of application, "- says Ayman Fayzollayevna.

The competition consisted of three stages. In the first round students wrote the written reproduction on the proposed topics. In the second, the contestants made situational dialogues. In the third creative round the participants showed their skills in reading passages of prose and poetry, sang songs and showed a sketch performances.

According to the results of the Olympiad participants were warded  the diplomas and cash prizes.

Third place was shared by Kristina Shepinova (Mt-102) and Alexander Kuznetsov, HaS-102.

Second place got a student of the SCM-102 Violetta Nekrytaya. First place won future journalist Anastasiya Pavlyuk.