In S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was table tennis tournament, and the main prize was the Rector’s Cup.

Marathon gathered teams of students, faculty, staff, departments and sports veterans.

Congratulating on the opening of the competition, Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work PSU Arman Akishev noted that the tournament struggle gives the opportunity to test the reserves of athletes, and also drew attention to the fact how important it is to live a full and healthy life without coercion to instill that value to PSU students.

This year, the tournament format has changed. The competition was held on the Olympic system - with knock-out system.

"Table tennis - universal and specific sport. Boys and girls can do it, it does not require much physical activity", - said chairman of the "Sunkar" sport club Zhaudat Ableyev.

The tournament has become a real challenge. Skill and endurance athletes were rewarded with letters of thanks and prizes.

At the end of the competition among women won Sadvakasova G.M. Fought on equal terms with guys Royeva N.M. - Second place in the standings, third place won  Popova M.M.

Bright and productive game among male teachers showed Markovskiy V.P. Excellent played Dosumbekov K.R., third place -Royev M.M.

Their great possibilities in the technical and tactical plan demonstrated students . Among boys the first place won a student of the Faculty of Energy Engineering Merambek Kenzhalin, second Maxim Echkalov from Faculty of Chemical technology and natural science, third place - Andrei Komaritsky, Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport.

Among girls the for first place won student of the Faculty of Energy Engineering Zhanna Alzhanova, Kamila Alibekova from  the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences got second place, third place won Alma Chigenova, Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law.