At the VIII Republican student subject Olympiad on ecology and chemistry students of S. Toraighyrov PSU won prizes.

The University was represented by students of the Department of biology and ecology Miras Zhumadilov, Almas Sakenov, Ayagoz Shayzadinova. Team "Tabigat sakshylary" under the guidance of senior lecturer Asel Rakhmetova got the third place.

Their great achievements demonstrated representatives of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, who won silver in the smart competition.

The Olympics, which hast taken the participation of nine teams, was held in two rounds: theoretical and experimental. The results were summed for each round in the team and individual standings. 

Student team of the specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances", headed by Candidate of chemical sciences, professor Kulshat Zhapargazinova presented a project entitled "Research of technical sulfur modifying effect on the quality of road bitumens." In addition, in the standings student Evgeniya Pavlyuk took second place prize.

In the individual competition under the guidance of the head of the department, Candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Ainagүl Kolpek distinguished students: Al-Farabi Kopzhasar - second place, Arman Slyamov - third place.