Under the auspices of S.Toraighyrov PSU was held an evening of Korean culture. The event was held within the framework of the festival "United Kazakhstan" with the support of the "Birlik" Student Assembly and Pavlodar branch of the Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan.

The festival has been presented in different planes. So, in the lobby of the concert hall of PSU celebration organizers presented an exhibition of Korean arts and crafts, literature and ethnic media in the Korean language.

Start of the festival gave the performances of "Anen", "Kompettsari" bands and the studio "Unix".

The colorful performances showed children's groups of Korean culture center from Efremovka village.

Guests of the festival were able to enrich their cultural knowledge, not only spiritually but also to expand their culinary knowledge of the Korean national cuisine. All those present were able to enjoy traditional Korean dishes are delicious.

Vice-rector for academic work, Candidate of philosophical sciences. Gaukhar Akhmetova expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the festival for the highest levels of its realization in the walls of the Pavlodar State University.

"South Korea is not without reason called the" Land of Morning Freshness. " The country is located on a very difficult terrain, where people have to fight for each area of cultivated land to give seedlings. And the Koreans stand as an example of the highest diligence. The Koreans are connected with our country by long-standing, going back centuries roots. At the same time, I can safely say that when some deal is taken by Koreans, it will be done on time and at a very high level. Our peoples are fraternal, and for many years we live under one shanyrak. We have much to learn from each other. Once again sincerely thank the Korean Culture Center for maintaining the primevalness of their traditions and foster a spirit of unity of our peoples. "

To the words of Ms. Akhmetova loint deputy chairman of Korean ethnocultural association Afanasyeva Raisa, speaking in three languages: "We are deeply grateful to the PSU administration for such a warm welcome and the attraction to the culture of Korea. Looking from the outside, I noticed in the audience a sincere keen interest to the performances, which indicates that our artists have been working for a reason and keep the bar at a consistently high level. In this regard, I invite everyone to the class of vocal and choreography, as well as studying the Korean language class. Always glad to see you. I wish you all a peaceful sky and sun over head,"- said Raisa Samsonovna.