The day before S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University’s psychologists together with students celebrated their professional holiday. The meeting brought together future "interpreters of the soul" and already acknowledged masters of knowledge of human mind.

As the initiator of celebration in the university was the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. The event attracted a diverse audience and started with chatty atmosphere.

The master of psychology Scherbakova E.P. has organized psychological trainings on which various diagnostic techniques were shown and applied, she conducted group and individual classes. Trainings included psychological games, graphic techniques and musical therapy. 

Exercise "A self-portrait of group" which gives the chance to understand and feel yourself as part of the diverse world, and the most important – to understand uniqueness and importance of every person, became the culmination of trainings. Also, the participants created a "Fence of expression" on which everyone expressed their opinions and wrote wishes. 

According to Yelena Burdina, the head of the Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, experienced psychologists could create a working attitude in a completely unobtrusive manner of presentation.

"Psychologist’s Day - is a holiday of one of the most humane and benevolent profession. Those who are just at the beginning of their way of human souls cognition shared their arguments in favor of psychology and why they chose this path. Various points of view have been also stated, but in one guests of evening were of the same mind: knowing other people, helping them to overcome internal contradictions, the psychologist helps himself, developing together with the wards and supporting continuous interchange of experience and positive decisions", - says Yelena Ivanovna.