The meeting of Zhassyl El dedicated to the closure of the third labour term has been recently held.

The current year’s meeting marked the anniversary of Zhassyl El. Ten years have passed since the establishment of student construction brigades. For this period of time 20 thousand boys and girls went through the school of construction brigades. The first student construction brigades participated in the construction of Kazakhstan Electrolysis Factory, and this summer close upon to 1,500 students worked at building sites of the Nurly Zhol Program, planted trees and shrubs in urban and rural areas and equipped them with modern services and utilities, worked in hospitals and clinics; future teachers organized recreational activities for children.

The conclusions were drawn and the names of the most active commanders and fighters of construction brigades were announced at the forum. PSU students were honored the title of “Best Brigade”. Beksultan Kabyshev was nominated for the “Best commander of an ecological brigade 2015”; Kamel Marpuga was recognized as the best worker of a construction brigade.

“The work experience at student construction brigades is surprisingly an easy way to find new reliable friends, with whom you have a chance to learn how to make wise decisions in uneasy situations and how to harden your character”, said the student of the Department of Transport Equipment and Logistics Kamel Marpuga, “undoubtedly, it is an opportunity to earn money, to make a good contribution to the family budget and to invest yourself.”