Within the framework of Student Self-government Day volunteers of the youth affairs committee of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University visited a family child care home in Shakat Village.

The program included various trainings and interactive cognitive development games.

During the visit PSU students helped the workers and pupils conduct repair works in the building and on the territory of the family child care home.

The main task of trainings, games and activities held was to enable participants to get to know each other, to provide an opportunity for everyone to discover new sides of himself or herself in warm and relaxed atmosphere.

Girls-volunteers helped the workers of the child care home with painting fences and collecting seeds, while boys assisted in mending the roof.

At the end of the visit hand-made memorable gifts were interchanged. Pupils and workers of the family child care home thanked volunteers of the youth affairs committee of PSU and suggested to conduct such events as often as possible. The chairman of the youth affairs committee Akbota Sarybay wholly welcomed the suggestion, reminding everyone of the committee’s main mission consisting in conducting outreach campaigns and rendering assistance to everyone facing difficult life challenges.