Aleksey Bogomolov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Metallurgy of S. Toraighyrov PSU, received M.V. Lomonosov medal and diploma.

The medal named after Mikhail Lomonosov was established based on the decision of the Awards Committee of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium within the framework of the Classics of National Science program to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Natural History.

This medal is a sign of public recognition of achievements in the field of fundamental and applied research, development and implementation of educational programs. The main criteria are professionalism, systematic, integrated and organized style of work aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of the scientific and educational products.

By the decision of the Department of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium, Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa of the International Academy of Natural History, Associate Professor of the Department of Metallurgy of S. Toraighyrov PSU Aleksey Bogomolov was awarded a diploma and M.V. Lomonosov medal for his achievements in development and improvement of mechanical and thermal hardening of metals.

The Awards Committee of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium noted that A. Bogomolov's research results in the field of integrated hardening of metallic materials, metallurgy, heat treatment of metals and metal forming are of considerable interest and can be used in the industry.

“First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Russian colleagues. I will make every effort to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and do my best to justify the confidence reposed in me,” said A. Bogomolov.

The results of Aleksey Bogomolov’s research activities are recognized by the international scientific community. He was awarded a diploma and Wilhelm Leibniz medal for his achievements in introduction of innovative technologies and significant contribution to the development of engineering sciences.

Aleksey Bogomolov is the first scientists from Kazakhstan who received the PRIMUS INTER PARES (FIRST AMONG EQUALS) award from the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium. It is awarded for significant contribution to the development of world science, for outstanding scientific work, discoveries and inventions, or for a number of works of great scientific and practical importance.

He was also awarded the title of Professor of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation and A. Nobel medal for his contribution to the development of inventive activities.

Aleksey Bogomolov has over 150 scientific publications, including 22 patents for inventions, 10 study guides and 2 monographs.