S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held an International Online Conference dedicated to World Health Day.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tourism of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Gulmarzhan Kasenova emphasized in her opening speech that the University has built a virtual learning environment that combines modern information and communication technologies and electronic educational resources. “The use of different tools combined in one system greatly enhances the methodological arsenal of a teacher,” she said.

The Conference was attended by students and academic staff members from Trans-Baikal State University (Chita, Russia), Azov State Technical University (Mariupol, Ukraine), Polessky State University (Pinsk, Belarus), and S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Nargiz Daniyarova, Yulianna Sysoyeva and Yuliya Tarasova, undergraduate students of the Department of Geography and Tourism of S. Toraighyrov PSU, took part in the discussion and made a report on the Role of a Healthy Lifestyle for Students.

In conclusion, the Conference moderator Gulmarzhan Kasenova thanked the representatives of Transbaikal State University for many years of cooperation and emphasized that such conferences contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles among students. According to her, only the society comprised of educated and healthy individuals can succeed in today's tough world.

Participants of the Conference also agreed to expand the number of regions and institutions taking part in subsequent joint activities.

Photo by Rufina Torpischeva