A special meeting with a representative of the Migration Police Office devoted to visas and registration of foreigners in the Republic of Kazakhstan was held for international students of the Foundation Faculty on November 28, 2014.

The guests of the meeting were the Chief Special Assignments Inspector of the Migration Police Office, Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar region, Police Major Gulstan Battalova and Head of the International Cooperation Department of the University Akmaral Kairbayeva.

Dean of the Foundation Faculty, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Ayzhan Kuderina introduced the guests and told about the preparatory division for representatives of Kazakh diaspora which was established this year. There are 50 students from the People's Republic of China, Mongolia and Uzbekistan studying at the Foundation Faculty at the moment. 2 of them have a residence permit, which gives them the same rights as all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for participation in the elections and working in governmental agencies.

Gulstan Battalova told about the rules of registration in Kazakhstan, visa issuance rules and its extension. Students learned about the importance of meeting deadlines and administrative penalties for violation of the terms of the visa. After that students asked questions regarding registration on the territory of Kazakhstan and terms of departure from Kazakhstan during the winter holidays. They also asked about the requirements for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship.

Students of the preparatory division for international students prepare for the complex testing that they will take in summer of 2015. They also study Russian and English. Besides, they have already become active participants of the University life. Some of them took part in the Studenttik Omir event held on the International Day of Students and 2014 Talanttar Sayisi held by the Student Council of the Student House. 32 students attend sport sections at PSU (basketball, boxing, skiing, athletics).