Active members of the Committee on Youth Affairs and Student Administration of the University held the first Student Ball for S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University students.

This unique event brought together everyone who wanted to enter the realm of enchanting magic of dancing. The organizers managed to create the right atmosphere for the occasion. In accordance with the traditions of balls of the past, music was played by an orchestra.

Serik Omirbayev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, attended this event as a guest of honor. He congratulated all students with a successful revival of the old tradition of holding student balls. He also noted that the University strives to make sure that its students become highly-skilled professionals and versatile persons. Therefore, such creative initiatives will always be supported by the administration.

According to Akbota Sarybay, the Chairperson of the Committee on Youth Affairs, such a large-scale event required thorough preparation: there were auditions for newcomers, trainings in ballroom etiquette for all participants, and, of course, classical dance classes. The waltz and polonaise rehearsals were held on a daily basis. There was a special dress code for that evening occasion to create the atmosphere of a real 19th-century ball.

All spectators and judges of the dancing competition were enchanted by the grace of the polonaise, polka, waltz and mazurka. The second stage of the competition included pre-prepared performances that combined dancing with acting and singing. The concert program featured the best vocalists and dancers of the Student Philharmonic of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The judges of the competition announced winners in such categories as The Most Creative Couple, People's Choice Award and Miss and Mister KDM. Prior to the event, there was also an online voting where internet users chose Miss and Mister Internet. At the end of the ball, Almas Mazhit and Makhabbat Kanabekova were declared Mister and Miss PSU.

All participants of the event received presents from the organizers and sponsors.

Everything new is actually well-forgotten old. Sometimes long-existing traditions may seem quite exotic. During this event, the luxuriousness and extravagance of social events of the past with gallant men in tuxedos dancing the waltz with stunning ladies in crinolines turned into a grand performance!

Photo by Rufina Torpischeva