Active members of the student self-governance organizations of S. Toraighyrov PSU held a conference devoted to the Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev “Nurly Zhol, the Way to the Future”.

Kausar Zhomart, the Executive Secretary of Zhas Otan’s primary branch in S. Toraighyrov PSU, moderated the discussion.

The event was also attended by the Chairperson of the Committee for Youth Affairs Akbota Sarybay, Student Rector Yernur Sagyntay and active member of the Student Union Yerzhigit Tagay.

Eset Khaykhoroyeva, the Deputy Chairperson of the Birlik Student Assembly, and Valeriya Dzhenbetova, a first-year student majoring in Journalism, told about the problem of inter-ethnic harmony. “Kazakhstan has become home to representatives of over 130 ethnic groups. We are the youth of the 21st century and we did not see inter-ethnic wars and devastation of the 90s. We live in independent Kazakhstan. Our duty is to preserve and maintain the heritage of our motherland,” said Valeriya Dzhenbetova.

Ruslan Gafurov, an active member of the PSU branch of Zhas Otan, devoted his speech to the problem of tolerance.

In his report, Otegen Sharapi, an active member of the Student Alliance of Kazakhstan, made specific proposals on the establishment of a balanced energy supply system by power plants all over the country.