S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held a series of events to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance.

Active members of the Birlik Student Assembly of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held a roundtable discussion on Tolerance as the Basis of Our Country's Well-Being on November 12, 2014.

The purpose of the meeting was to inform students about the concept of tolerance and the ways of tolerance formation in society.

This roundtable discussion brought together members of the Birlik Student Assembly, representatives of the University's Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the regional youth branch of the APK.

Participants of the event made presentations devoted to some specific features of their cultures and native languages. “Being respectful to other people's views, morals and habits, especially if they are different from yours, is an essential requirement for the modern society. It is a way to demonstrate that you are open to new ideas,” said Kayrat Abdymov, the moderator of the roundtable conference.

Eset Khaykhoroyeva, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology and the Deputy Chairperson of the Birlik Student Assembly, noted that any kind of social instability particularly affects young people, who, largely because of their age, tend to support rather radical solutions to all problems. “Every citizen of our country and every student of our University has the right to speak his or her native language. The University provides all necessary conditions for that. Student associations hold various events aimed at introducing students to the cultural and lingual diversity in our Republic. For example, not so long ago, we organized an exhibition of our students' national dishes. We also have a special Thursday program on PSU.FM radio called ‘Songs of My Country’ which is devoted to the musical heritage of various ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan,” said Eset Khaykhoroyeva.

Another interesting event held as a part of the International Tolerance Day celebration took place in S. Beysembayev Scientific Library of our University on November 14, 2014. It was entitled “The Way of Kindness and Tolerance”.

The participants of the event (Aydana Pazylova, Damir Zhanzakov, Rustam Nigmatullin and Tatyana Doroshenko) made reports on the understanding of the word “tolerance” by representatives of different nations and religions. Then they described a tolerant person in the form of a game using special tasks in envelopes.

Gulzhan Amanova, the Head of the Scientific Literature section of S. Beysembayev Scientific Library, said that “tolerance is the fundamental principle of morality which is comprised of your attitude toward yourself, other people and the world around you. There is an eternal fight between good and evil in this world and everyone makes his or her own choice.”

Yelena Likhanova, the Head of the Reading Hall of the Library of the People of Kazakhstan, held a quiz in which she proposed to discuss life situations related to the problem of morality.

At the end of the conversation, members of the library recommended books and periodicals devoted to the problems of tolerance and morality.