Gulmarzhan Kasenova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism of S. Toraighyrov PSU, took part in the 2nd International Conference on Integration of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Development of the Tourism Industry held by Altai State University and the Office for Development of Tourist, Recreational and Health Resort Complexes of the Altai Territory.

The main purpose of the Conference was to discuss and analyze development trends in cultural tourism and exchange experiences in the field of integration of historical and cultural heritage in tourism.

Gulmarzhan Kasenova made a report on Evaluation and Development Prospects of Activities in the Field of Tourism and Local History in Pavlodar Region. According to Gulmarzhan Kasenova, the audience showed great interest in the problem of tourism development in our region, as we have unique natural and recreational, historical and cultural potential. Development of activities in the field of tourism and local history is a topical problem for our region. Significant progress in this field would increase the region's competitiveness and improve its investment potential, create favorable conditions for inbound tourism and general development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan. This process also contributes to revival of the nation's historical and cultural heritage. “This Conference was very useful in terms of sharing experiences in organizing and carrying out activities to promote international and inter-regional cooperation in the field of culture and tourism,” said Gulmarzhan Kasenova.

All participants of the Conference agreed that holding such events on a regular basis can help strengthen international cooperation in formation of the tourist image of Russia and Kazakhstan.