A special ceremony took place at the concert hall of S. Toraighyrov PSU as a part of Social Worker’s Day celebration.

The event was organized by the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.

The event was attended by representatives of the social institutions of the region, namely the Office for Employment Coordination and Social Programs of the region, Department of Control and Social Protection of the region, Pavlodar Specialized Clinic for Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders SI, Medical and Social Institution for Elderly and Disabled Persons of Pavlodar Region SI, Department of Preventive Treatment and Psychosocial Care of Clinic 1, and Zhas Urpak youth organization.

In her welcoming speech, the Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Doctor of Pedagogic Science, Professor Yelena Burdina thanked the employers for active cooperation with the University. “In today's world, the need for well-trained and highly-motivated staff is higher than ever, which leads to a very close cooperation between universities and employers. This cooperation allows employers to effectively participate in development of training programs, integrate their standards and requirements into these programs, provide students with on-site practical training, and let them participate in various projects in corresponding areas,” said Yelena Burdina.

On this day, first-year students majoring in Social Work went through a special initiation ceremony held for them by experienced specialists in this area. The students received medals and special gifts from the Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences Yelena Burdina.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department prepared special presentations devoted to social work. They staged a performance based on some fairy tales, such as the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish and the Axe Soup, showing some aspects of social workers' activities. According to Samal Antikeyeva, a lecturer from the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, all the presentations were very interesting and unusual, and the performers demonstrated a creative approach to telling about the profession of a social worker. “Today's event helped the students understand the significance of our profession in the society. This is a great talent to be able to relate to other person's pain and help people. Only those who really love people come to study here”.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Candidate of Political Sciences Amergaly Begimtayev presented letters of appreciation from Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU for the contribution to the training of specialists in social work to members of the academic staff of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.

Deputy Head of the Department of Employment Coordination and Social Programs of the region Gulnar Kamalova and Head of Medical and Social Institution for Elderly and Disabled Persons of Pavlodar Region SI Saparbek Abdullin spoke on behalf of all the guests of the event. “Our profession is characterized by a high level of professionalism, sensitivity and compassion. Every day you demonstrate the best human qualities: kind-heartedness and selflessness, compassion and diligence,” said Saparbek Abdullin.