S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University held seminars for its postgraduate students devoted to the methodology and methods of research on October 23, 24 and 27, 2014.

A Master's or a Doctoral program is a combination of education and research. The research part of postgraduate programs is aimed at preparing students for future careers in the field of research, teaching or administration through the study of modern methods of solving the corresponding problems. The results of research work conducted throughout the period of studies are drawn up in the form of a thesis (dissertation).

A seminar for students majoring in science was held by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor U.Kh. Almishev; students majoring in engineering attended a seminar by Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Bogomolov; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor N.Ye. Kuzembayev held a seminar for those who study humanities.

The seminars were devoted to preparation for writing a thesis/dissertation, relevance of the research, study of existing works within the research topic, stylistic peculiarities of academic writing, wording of the statements for the defense, methodology and methods of research, as well as requirements for research works.

Students received full answers to all their questions.