The team of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University finished second at the regional universiade, a sports competition among students representing universities of Pavlodar region.

Athletes from S. Toraighyrov PSU took part in 10 competitions: tennis, basketball, volleyball, mini-football, chess, arm-wrestling, table tennis, togyzkumalak and kazaksha kures.

Our students won the main prize in table tennis (women's competition), arm-wrestling, basketball (men's competition), volleyball (women's competition) and chess; silver medals in togyzkumalak, table tennis (men's competition) and kazaksha kures, and third-place awards in mini-football, volleyball (men's competition), basketball (women's competition) and football.

In overall standings, the team of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University took the second place. Our students received medals and a cup.

“Our students' achievements are really impressive. Regular participation in sporting competitions of such a high level gives them a unique opportunity to improve their skills and later become members of the national team of Kazakhstan in various sports,” said Zhaudat Ableyev, the Chairman of Sunkar sports club.