The Faculty of Business and Law of S. Toraighyrov PSU held a roundtable conference entitled “The University and Employers: Cooperation in Drawing up the Titles of Bachelor's and Master's Theses”.

‘High level of competition in the labor market makes it possible for employers to set high requirements for their potential employees. Nowadays, there is a high demand for specialists of a new formation. This is why our educational programs must be focused on the needs and requirements of potential employers of our graduates,’ said the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor Takhir Ernazarov.

The roundtable conference was attended by representatives of the state and private sectors of Pavlodar region: the Department of Justice of Pavlodar region, the Department of Taxation of Pavlodar region, Nurbank JSC, Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC, Halyk Bank JSC, etc.

Participants of the event discussed titles of Bachelor's and Master's theses in all programs offered by the Faculty: State and Local Government, Management, Economics, Marketing, Finance, Accounting and Auditing, and Jurisprudence.

Participants of the roundtable conference provided detailed information about employers’ requirements for young specialists, defined key abilities, skills, knowledge and competences demanded by employers in our region.