Starting from the 2014-2015 academic year, a newly-established Preparatory Division of the Foundation Faculty offers its services to members of the Kazakh diaspora living abroad, repatriated Kazakhs and foreign citizens. The purpose of this unit is to help prospective students from other countries adapt to living and studying in new surroundings.

The first group of repatriates arrived from China. Members of the Foundation Faculty held a tour of the University for them and arranged a meeting with the administration of PSU. Vice-rector for Development Strategy, Education and Social Affairs, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Arman Akishev welcomed the guests and emphasized that the practice of inviting repatriates to study at PSU is totally in line with the state policy and the idea expressed by our President who said, 'We must create favorable conditions for young Kazakh people living in other countries to get high-quality education in Kazakhstan.'

During this meeting of students with the University administration, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Nelli Pfeifer explained the specifics of the learning process at PSU and told about the courses included in the curriculum of the Preparatory Division.

The students, in their turn, shared their positive impressions of the University, and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to study in their historical homeland and all the efforts made by the University to ensure comfortable living and studying for them.