Active members of the Committee on Youth Affairs held an event entitled “Fighting Autumn Melancholy” at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The main goal of this event was to prevent autumn depression among students and share positive energy with everybody.

Autumn depression is a special psycho-emotional condition characterized by mood instability, poverty of thought, inability to mentally recover from certain situations, and, sometimes, motion slowness.

In order to prevent autumn melancholy from turning into depression, it should be fought and methods of fighting can be different. Active members of the Committee on Youth Affairs (CYA) held an unusual event entitled “Hug Me and Get a Candy” which turned out to be very popular among students.

“Autumn melancholy is characterized by depression, lack of energy, i.e. the problems that affect many of us in the cold season. There are many ways to solve this problem. That's why we decided to hold such an unusual event for the first time, as it really helps to cheer up,” said a CYA member.