Associate Professor of PSU, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Yevgeniy Prikhodko attended a business meeting with representatives of large companies of our region devoted to problems of the energy sector.

The meeting was organized by the Office for Industrial and Innovative Development of the region in cooperation with the Department of Science and Innovation of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce representatives of the energy sector companies to the research projects performed by leading scientists of our University.

Yevgeniy Prikhodko presented five scientific developments protected by patents. He made a report on “A Method of Determining Thermal Parameters of Materials”, told about a method of determining thermal conductivity of fiber materials. He also presented the projects entitled “A Method of Determining Heat Loss in Heat-Reclaiming Devices”, “A Method of Thermo-Mechanical Testing of Materials and Device for Its Implementation”, and “A Method of Determining the Thermal State of Thermal Unit Lining”.

“Such a dialog between representatives of business and science can become a platform for expert discussions, generation of new ideas, and a motivating tool for the development of an effective innovation-based economy,” said Yevgeniy Prikhodko. The parties agreed on further cooperation and joint work on implementation of research projects.