Celebration of International Day of Older Persons was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

In accordance with the existing tradition, the event was attended by the administration of the University, representatives of public organizations and veterans of our region.

The main purpose of the Day of Older Persons is to pay tribute to the traditions of respect for the elderly as a sign of recognition of their services and multifaceted contribution to the development of the state, and make sure that older persons are not left behind.

The Vice-rector for Development Strategy, Education and Social Affairs of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Arman Akishev noted that teaching patriotism and respect for the elderly, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and homefront workers is the issue of primary importance in implementation of the state policy of Kazakhstan. “You set a high standard for the younger generation with your selfless work and way of life. You are a perfect example of dedicated services to the country and its people, and it is our duty to express our gratitude to you on this day,” said Arman Akishev.

The Chairperson of the Trade Union Committee of S. Toraighyrov PSU Gulnar Shamshudinova and the Chairman of the Veterans Council of the University Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering Bari Zhanakhutdinov congratulated all veterans of the University.

Mariya Terenik, a well-known local historian of Pavlodar region and honorary citizen of the city of Pavlodar, congratulated the veterans and urged participants of the meeting to be respectful to all the pages of our history and preserve national traditions. 'We must preserve the history because a state, whose people do not remember and honor their past, has no future,' said Mariya Terenik.

It has already become a tradition to celebrate the Day of Older Persons at S. Toraighyrov PSU. Members of the Student Philharmonic made a special performance to congratulate the elderly. The University provided financial assistance, presented flowers and gifts to the seniors.

Active members of the Student Union of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University provide assistance to seniors. On the eve of International Day of Older Persons, they visited a veteran of the University Gulmira Eleuzhanova. They helped her with the household work and cleaning of the territory.