A series of lectures on Nursultan Nazarbayev's Ideas and Life of the People of Kazakhstan for graduate students and academic staff of the University was launched by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Sadilbek Usenov on September 29-30, 2014.

Sadilbek Usenov is the author of many publications, including the book entitled “Nursultan Nazarbayev's Ideas and Life of the People of Kazakhstan” which is now kept in the library of the First President of Kazakhstan.

Sadilbek Usenov emphasized the importance of such works written by our President as “On the Threshold of the 21st Century”, “Kazakhstan's Way” and “Epicenter of the World”, as they show the development path of independent Kazakhstan and the most important stages in the history of the country. The lecturer also told about the global trend of social modernization “20 Steps towards a Society of Universal Labor”, Kazakhstan's development program till 2030 “Kazakhstan-2030”, and the “Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy: New Political Course of the Established State.

Sadilbek Usenov explained the basic ideas of market economy and its differences from centrally planned economy, told about the primacy of economy over politics, and evolutionary rather than revolutionary development path for the society and state.

Students noted lecturer's clear argumentation and abundance of factual information which made the lectures interesting and informative.