S. Toraighyrov PSU holds a ‘New Home for Books’ charity event on September 16-17, 2014.

During this 2-day event, from 14.00 to 16.30, you can bring books, stationery materials and clothing for children from the orphanage and the family-type children's home in Kenzhekol village.

The event was organized by the Social Volunteering Center of S. Toraighyrov PSU with the support of the Department for Education and Social Affairs of the University.

The main purpose of this event is to attract young people's attention to the problems of orphans, children from orphanages and boarding schools, as well as to make a contribution from students, academic and support staff members to the development of creativity and aesthetic sense of the children.

'Children need not only clothes, but also stationery materials for free creativity. And, of course, a great role in their personal development is played by books. Orphaned children cannot afford all that. There are children of different age. If people bring clothes for very little children, we will give it to the infant orphanage. We will be glad to get books of any genres. By the way, the books don't have to be for children only. We can later have a book-crossing event or give them to the library as a gift. Besides, everyone can present all these things to children personally,' said the initiator of the event, Head of the Social Volunteering Center, student of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of Pavlodar State University Natalya Ulchenko.