The Foundation Faculty of S. Toraighyrov PSU continues holding meetings with prospective students of our region. Yet another meeting took place in the city of Aksu.

The meeting of PSU members with 365 11th-graders of the city of Aksu and the adjacent rural areas, their teachers and parents was held in Secondary School 2.

At the beginning of the event, there was a demonstration of a video about the University. The Dean of the Foundation Faculty, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Ayzhan Kuderina told about the rules of admission to universities of Kazakhstan, deadlines for documents submission, exact dates of CNT, competition for state educational grants, and the system of discounts and benefits offered by the University. Her speech was accompanied by a slide presentation.

Ivan Davydenko, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology of PSU, shared his impressions of participating in the Academic Mobility program and his studies at Baltic International Academy.

The audience enjoyed the concert program: the Melody duet (Nariman Zhastalap and Raiymbek Shayman), KVN team (Serikbolsyn Kinayatov, Darkhan Kapan, Kasymkhan Aldashev, and Abdulla Meyrambekuly), and Jam dance studio (Ayzhan Bolekzhanova and Togzhan Bolekzhanova) deserved an ovation from the spectators. Asel Kulzhanova, a talented singer with a unique voice, got an encore and several rounds of applause from the audience.

At the end of the meeting, all prospective students received detailed information about the faculties of the University, training courses offered by the Foundation Faculty, and brochures of the programs offered by the University.