A traditional meeting of the administration, academic staff and students of S. Toraighyrov PSU with the veterans and homefront workers of Pavlodar, as well as a presentation of the website devoted to homefront workers of Pavlodar State University took place in the Student Club of S. Toraighyrov PSU on May 6, 2014.

Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nurlan Yerzhanov wished good health and longevity to all veterans. He noted that each veteran and homefront worker has made a great contribution to the Great Victory.

Mariya Terenik, a well-known local historian of Pavlodar region and honorary citizen of the city of Pavlodar, congratulated the veterans and urged participants of the meeting to be respectful to all the pages of out history and preserve national traditions. 'We all must cherish the memory of those years, provide support and assistance to the people who ensured peace and tranquility for many generations. The state, whose people do not remember and honor its past, has no future,' said Mariya Terenik.

There was a presentation of the website devoted to homefront workers of Pavlodar State University (veteran.psu.kz). The site was developed by the Department of Education and Social Affairs in cooperation with the Education Informatization Center of S. Toraigyrov PSU. It contains information (biography and photos) about the homefront workers who worked in our University in the postwar years. All members of the veteran community received flowers, gifts and financial aid.

Best artists and creative teams of Pavlodar State University performed for the audience. Members of the Student Philharmonic Gulzhan Anisheva, Asel Kulzhanova, Nurzhan Sarkambayev, Ak-erke and Jam dancing studios helped create the right atmosphere for the occasion. Galiya Yerbol, Rashid Alisher and Yertis Zhuldyzdary vocal studio performed some wartime songs.

Caring about veterans of the Great Patriotic War and demonstrating respect to their cherished memory are the primary civic duties of every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.