Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University took an active part in the “Idea Worth a Million” regional competition of business projects.

The competition was organized by the Partnership Center Public Foundation.

It was held within the implementation of the State Youth Policy under the state order from the Department of Youth Policy of the Pavlodar region.

The competition was held in the following areas: the projects related to EXPO-2017; the projects focused on the agro-industrial complex; socially important projects; innovative projects in the field of information technology.

PSU students, supported by the Regional Center of Innovations and Technology Transfer of PSU, became the prize-winners and finalists of the competition. The prize-winners are Altynay Yeshenova, Saule Slambekova, and Saltanat Bulatova. The finalists are Sagynysh Nurkimbayev, Aslan Amangulov, Serik Tashenov, and Dmitriy Alekseyenko.