The scientific community of the Pavlodar region celebrated the jubilee of a famous scientist, gifted teacher and administrator Ivan Shumeyko.

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor and Honorary Head of the Department of Machine Building and Standardization of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Ivan Shumeyko has earned great respect and recognition from his colleagues and students owing to his outstanding scientific and pedagogical achievements. He received many awards, including the Veteran of Labor and Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan awards, the academic title of Honorary Head of the Department at S. Toraighyrov PSU, S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal, etc.

The results of his work are reflected in many publications, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. He is the author of more than 60 scientific papers, his textbooks are widely used in the educational process by various institutions, which is a clear evidence of the significance of the contribution made by I. Shumeyko to Machine Building as a science and training of scientific and technical personnel and specialists for the Pavlodar region and the country.

Ivan Shumeyko has also made significant contribution to the innovative development of Kazakhstan. He supervises the work of Student Engineering Office for Machine Building and Energy Engineering at the Department of Machine Building and Standardization. The members of this office conduct research in several areas, the main of which is non-traditional technology of electric energy generation from renewable sources.