On September 20, 2013, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology T.K. Bekseitov and the Head of the Department of Zootechnology, Genetics and Selective Breeding N.B. Burambayeva participated in the presentation and opening of a new company in the field of agriculture under the program of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development. It is a 450 cow dairy farm named Zhana Kala.

The presentation was attended by Deputy Akim of the Pavlodar region N.K. Ashimbetov, Akim of the Pavlodar area N.K. Autalipov, representatives of Kazenergofinance, Department of Agriculture of the Pavlodar region, FoodMaster JSC. The Faculty of Agricultural Technology has worked in close cooperation with Zhana Kala PF for 3 years carrying out scientific support in the field of innovations in feeding and breeding of animals. The University concluded an agreement with this company regarding internships for the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.