An online round-table conference entitled Physical Fitness as the Way to Ensure Health and Harmony of the Nation was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU on September 12, 2013. The representatives of five countries took part in the Conference.

The purpose of the Conference is attracting students' attention to the problems of physical fitness promotion, health improvement, sports and recreation activities stimulation, and sporting skills perfection.

Among the participants of the Conference were the students and teachers of Donbass State Pedagogical University (Slavyansk, Ukraine), Transbaikal State University (Chita, Russia), Polessky State University (Pinsk, Belarus), S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan), Jalal-Abad State University (Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan).

S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was represented by the Vice-rector for Development Strategy, Educational and Social Affairs, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Arman Akishev, senior lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism Gulmarzhan Kasenova (moderator of the round-table conference), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies and Natural Sciences Aygul Yeginbayeva, the Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Yuriy Mastobayev, the B-302 group student Nikolay Martynyuk, the OZKhT-301 group student Bolat Baymagambetov, the Tur-302 group student Darkhan Isenkin.

As a result of the Conference, a decision was made to increase the number of regions, scientific, academic and social organizations and institutions taking part in these activities; publish the materials of the Conference and include them in the following courses: Methods of Physical Education; Physical Fitness and Health; Functional Diagnostics.

The participants of the Conference also agreed to organize a regional exhibition of scientific and methodological works in the field of physical education and sports.