The international scientific and practical conference "II Anniversary F.K. Boyko Readings " dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Toraighyrov University was held at Toraighyrov University.


As part of the conference, an educational and laboratory complex was opened for training workers in the energy industry. The room itself is equipped with modern equipment and technologies that provide practice-oriented training for students and advanced training for workers in the energy industry.

The opening speech was made by the acting chairman of the board - rector of ToU Nurlan Yerzhanov.

•⁠  ⁠As the rector of the PII, Fedor Konstantinovich Boyko, despite his heavy workload, was always aware of the affairs of graduate students and maintained contact with their academic supervisors.  Fyodor Konstantinovich left behind not only an entire army of students, who in turn teach new generations, but also his main legacy, which he worked on in recent years - unfinished research work on resonance phenomena in electrical technology, which was confirmed by a discovery certificate, but it hadn't been implemented in production.

It is worth noting that Fyodor Boyko has launched the first power plant in Pavlodar and a galaxy of students behind him.

The conference was attended not only by leading Kazakhstan scientists in the field of energy, but also by scientists from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.

One of the speakers was the General Director of JSC "Eurasian Energy Corporation" Duisen Mergaliyev.

In addition, scientists held a round table at the Aksu State District Power Plant on the topic of "Current issues of training specialists in the field of energy in accordance with modern requirements."