Fifteen graduates of ToU have received their Master of Business Administration degrees.

The "Master of Business Administration" program was launched at Toraighyrov University two years ago. The first graduates were 15 representatives from various sectors of business and the economy. On this significant occasion, ToU Rector Yerkin Sadykov congratulated the graduates.

"MBA is not just a diploma; it is a ticket to the world of big business, where the largest sharks reside, capable of not only surviving in the turbulent ocean of competition but also determining its course. We will continue to develop this field, as MBA is the future of Kazakhstan. The development of small and medium-sized businesses, the study and optimization of business processes, and the implementation of innovations will all lead to economic growth, an improved standard of living, and the creation of new jobs. Our graduates today are the people who will shape the future," said the rector.

An MBA is a master's degree in business administration that provides its holders with in-depth knowledge in areas such as strategic planning, marketing, finance, human resource management, and much more.