Dilnaz Mergaliyeva, a student of Toraighyrov University, won the Asian Powerlifting Championship in Almaty. Her result in the triathlon was 200 kg, which is a good example for Toraighyrov University students involved in sports.

Dilnaz shared that she plans to continue participating in powerlifting competitions, the next of which are scheduled for October in Almaty. Now she is a 3rd year student in jurisprudence.

"Dilnaz demonstrates by her example that it is quite possible to combine studies and sports performances at the highest level. We are proud of her achievements, as well as the achievements of all Toraighyrov University students. It is important that our students develop comprehensively: in creativity, sports or scientific activity. A strong personality is formed in constant movement and growth," said the rector of the university, Yerkin Sadykov.

 We congratulate Dilnaz Mergaliyeva on her well-deserved victory and wish her further success!