Toraighyrov University is now training professional actors. Today, the premiere of the play "The Seagull," which became the diploma work of students from the Department of Performing Arts, took place on the stage of the Kazakh Musical Drama Theater named after J. Aimauytov. This is the first-ever graduation in the history of Toraighyrov University under the educational program "Acting".


The premiere of "The Seagull" was a significant event for the university, gathering many spectators, including representatives of the academic and cultural community. Students, presenting their diploma works, demonstrated a high level of preparation and skill, which resulted from their hard work under the guidance of experienced teachers.

“I want to congratulate everyone involved in this event. First and foremost, it’s the acting teachers Zhumakhan and Gulzhanat Dospaevs. I’m sure there is much more new and interesting ahead, both for the teachers and the students of the Department of Performing Arts. We will definitely develop this direction to produce truly talented and qualified stage workers,” noted the university's rector, Yerkin Sadykov.

He emphasized the importance of developing the cultural direction at the university, stating that it not only contributes to the professional growth of students but also makes a significant contribution to the cultural life of the region. The new educational program in acting will lay the foundation for preparing the future stars of theater and cinema, capable of competently representing our region at national and international arenas.

The event was attended by representatives of local theaters and other art figures, underscoring the importance and relevance of this training direction. This event opens new perspectives and opportunities for students dreaming of a career in acting.