An exhibition of retro cars and motorcycles took place at Toraighyrov University. The organizers were students from the engineering faculty. More than 15 models of Soviet-era cars and motorcycles were presented, as well as the students' and master's own designs.





Visitors were able to see a hybrid car "Oka," capable of running on electricity and fossil fuel, the EcoPlaneta 4.0 electric motorcycle based on the "IZH-Planeta" motorcycle, handcrafted by students, as well as models of the "Zaporozhets" car, "Tula Tourist" scooter, a lineup of "IZH-Yupiter" motorcycles, the earliest of which is from 1966, and the oldest car from 1955.

“The retro car and motorcycle exhibition is being held for the third time, organized by our students. We presented about 20 models of equipment that students have restored over the past 3-4 years,” said Ramis Zaripov, a senior lecturer at the Department of Transport Equipment and Logistics at Toraighyrov University.

It is noteworthy that the equipment showcased at the exhibition is being restored by students and university staff during their free time at the engineering faculty workshops. This is one of the directions of the student scientific and technical club “Alten-Sur.”