Irina Timirgalieva, Head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime, held a preventive conversation
with students of Toraighyrov University.

She spoke about the legal liability for the distribution of prohibited substances through information resources through hiding, about the criminal liability established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for committing illegal acts, and also recalled the harm and liability for the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

Also, Anna Kulikova, a psychologist from Pavlodar Region Mental Health Center, spoke about the myths and realities on this topic.

- The portrait of a drug addict has changed today.  Yes, there is a clinical picture, but drug addiction today does not have a social portrait.  Now the number of young people involved in the distribution of illicit substances has increased, because young people are the most expanded and vulnerable circle of their distribution, - noted Irina Timirgaliyeva.