A collective agreement on social partnership was signed at Toraighyrov University.

Now members of the trade union are provided with discounts in the "Bayantau" camp, material assistance to those who have undergone difficult operations, who have entered into marriage for the first time, as well as school supplies for the children of trade union members going to the first grade, etc.

The chairman of the trade union organization of employees of Toraighyrov University Jastlek Uakhitov noted that the number of trade union members has doubled since 2019.

As a reminder, members of the trade union can engage in physical education and sports during working hours, during the week everyone can devote 4 hours of working time to volunteering.  Women with four or more children or disabled children under 18 years of age will be provided with additional paid leave, in addition, work on weekends will be paid at the rate of one and a half.

This time, the following changes were included in the collective agreement: now a flexible work hours will be established for department heads, and free advanced training courses will be held for full-time employees.

 - Today, every leader must understand that the preservation of the team is one of the most important factors in the work of the enterprise.  For many years, there has been a very strong professional union in ToU, which guards the interests of university employees.  New support measures initiated by the trade union and the HR service of the university will make it possible to make ToU employees and young scientists even more protected, - said the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.

Chairwoman of the Pavlodar regional organization of the Kazakhstan branch trade union of education and science workers Gulbaram Naurazbayeva took part in the ceremony of signing a memorandum of cooperation between the parties.

In addition, the chairwoman of the Republican Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, Aigul Mukasheva, awarded the university with the “Altyn Belgi” badge as an active social partner.