As part of the implementation of the academic mobility program, about 40 students of Toraighyrov University were trained in six foreign countries.

 - The University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, where I studied under the academic mobility program, is very large and is divided into several blocks.  There are many different laboratories for specialties (for example, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and others).  This is just a dream of a chemist, - said Aruzhan Nasyrova, a 4th year student who studied in Bulgaria.
 The students also met with Temirtay Izbastin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Bulgaria. 

 Aishat Bakytova, a student of the specialty of geography, noted that she often went to practice, to museums, various expeditions, where she studied the buildings of those times:
 - Here is another class schedule.  There are no breaks like ours.  Two hours a week were given for one lesson, the teacher finishes the lesson when he sees fit.  Lessons could start in the middle of the semester, depending on the workload of the student or professor.  Exams are held differently, depending on faculty.


Students studied in such areas as biotechnology, standardization, certification and metrology, automation and control, metallurgy, chemical technology of organic substances, life safety, geography, computer science, oil and gas refining, tourism, translation, etc.

 - Our task is to build bridges in the field of higher education and science.  The experience of foreign colleagues in matters of academic mobility and double-degree education will be very useful to us.  Academic mobility of students contributes to obtaining a general educational and scientific experience, and also gives young scientists the  opportunity to get acquainted with the principle of operation of the latest technologies, - said the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.