Rector of Toraigyrov University Yerkin Sadykov attended a conference of rectors of Central Asian universities with the participation of representatives of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG).  The work of the conference is aimed at developing further steps to develop regional cooperation in the field of education in Central Asia.
Vice President of the Secretariat of the Bologna Process Sjur Bergan noted in his speech that today the development of the education system is being paid attention all over the world.  He confirmed the thesis, which has been discussed in Kazakhstan for several years: all state and public institutions should be responsible for the education and professional training of the younger generation.

 - We see the Central Asian space of higher education as a free zone in which students and academic staff of universities will be able to move freely for learning, sharing knowledge, experience, and participating in research.  In the current academic year, Kazakhstan, within the framework of the scholarship program for foreign citizens, provided 186 grants to citizens of the countries included in the Central Asian educational area, - said Sayasat Nurbek.
During the conference, the participants discussed the prospects for the development of the CAHEA and made a joint decision to establish the Bureau of the Central Asian Higher Education Area.  The permanent body of the CAHEA will be located at the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.