Scientific-bibliographical department leads a great work on compiling bibliographic indexes, references. The aim of this work – advocacy of the best works of literature on the certain themes, disclosure of the fund of scientific library of PSU named after S.Toraighyrov, assistance to education process. A great attention for readers represent the bibliographic indexes of “PSU scientists” series, devoted to S.K.Elmuratov, R.S.Erkasov, M.Ayatkhanuly, V.F.Hatsevskiy, G.N.Irenov; bio-bibliography indexes: “Bykhar Zhyrau”, “Shakarim Kudaiberdiev”, “S.Toraighyrov”; bibliographic list: “Library science: theory and practice” (edition. 6). There were published subsidiary indexes to multivolume editions of conference materials, conducted by PSU S.Toraighyrov: “Satpaev readings”, “Erzhanovskie readings”, “Modern problems of mechanics, construction and machine-building».
Subsidiary indexes were compiled with a view of more efficient search of materials, included in multivolume editions.
Lately there were compiled and published 21 personal and universal indexes.
With a view of rendering practical help to a teaching staff and students of PSU on compiling bibliographic list of the used literature to the scientific and educational works by scientific-bibliographic department were published methodical recommendations “Bibliographical description of document”. More detail in the article “Bibliographical description”.
Nowadays it is a lack of manuals in Kazakh language on library business. A great event for students of specialty 040518 “Library science and bibliography” and teaching staff of scientific library was a textbook “Library communication”, compiled by senior teacher, director scientific library Issmadieva S.A.
Our students can use the given book in electronic and printed versions for preparing for lessons.
Since 2006 in Scientific library of Pavlodar state university named after S.Toraighyrov began to come in books in the framework of state program “Cultural heritage”. Over a period of 2006-2008 free of charge were obtained 845 titles to 5621copies of the various editions to the sum of 5,5 ml. tenge. The big part consists of scientific editions in Kazakh language (2619 copies). It is a various encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, photo albums on art, editions on Kazakhstan history. Besides scientific literature the library got 1808 copes of belles-lettres of the modern Kazakhstan authors and classics, editions of foreign classic literature, translated into Kazakh.
In December of 2008 we got a collection of 3 volume works of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev in Kazakh and also books about him, dedicated to his 150 birthday. The first volume is called «Қажыма, ойым, қажыма» (Kazhyma, oiym,kazhyma), it includes verses; the second volume is «Өкінішті ғұмыр» (Okinishti khumyr), includes novels, shezhire, translations; the third volume is «Үзілмеген үміт» (Uzilmegen umit), includes proverbs, memories, researches. The authors of the book about Shakarim investigated his life and creations from different views. The book of Arap Espenbetov is devoted to interconnections of creative works of Shakarim and S.Toraighyrov, book of Baltabay Abdygaziuly “Shakarim’s world” investigates lyric and epic poetry, prose and translations of Shakarim, book of erlan Sydykov “Shakarim and Alashorda” is devoted to the activity of Shakarim in the ranks of Alashorda party, book of Garifolly Esim “Science of conscience” investigates creative works of Shakarim and Abai.
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All editions, got by state program “Cultural heritage” can be brought from library loan. In order to be acquainted with all list of literature you should chose the words «Мәдени мұра» for editions in Kazakh and «Культурное наследие» (“Cultural heritage”) for editions in Russian in electronic catalogue in the field “Name of series”.
Recently library actively supplements its fund with electronic editions. Special attention is paid to literature with few copies. Staffs of library translate these books in electronic version by means of scanning. We call attention to list of books, stored in library media office for teaching staff and students.
Nowadays workers of interlibrary loan conduct active work giving out book for students on the second semester. In spite of different problems and difficulties in this period librarians serve students on-the-fly and in a qualitative sense. A work with debtors is held across: lists of debtor were given to the all departments and faculties, organized telephone calls, oral mentions. Over a period of 16-21 of February will be conducted “Week of pardons” for debtors.
In modern conditions is decreased a necessity of libraries not only in full information, but in right organization of labour and documentation for qualitative management. Such notions as “position, job description”, technological instructions, quality management are in constant use of specialists of library business. «Modern requirements for documentation maintenance of educational library activity» - is a regional seminar for librarians of colleges and professional lyceums, which was conducted recently on the basis of scientific library of PSU. On seminar were suggested consultations, performances, trainings, practical lessons on the themes “The main documents, regulating activity of library”, “Inner normative documentation as an index of legal culture”, “Order of document’s statement”, “Organizational-legal relations of library and nominee in the context –informational safety”, “Library fund registration, conducting of calculation documents” (Performance of electronic version of account documents), “Compiling technological documentation on library processes and operations”.
Annually workers of scientific library publish scientific materials, articles on the pages of professional press, in collections of the scientific conferences. In 2008 were published more than 28 publications.
Librarian of the high category of scientific-technical office for processing literature and catalogue organization, teacher of Russian philology and library science department, candidate of “Psychology and pedagogics” department Amanova G.K. published an article “Culture and pedagogics of reading for modern reader” in the collection “Materials of the scientific-practical conference” - “Social-economical presuppositions and priorities of the development of Pavlodar Priirtyshie”.- Pavlodar: PSU, 2008.-Т.2.- P.113-139. Scientists, community and cultural workers of the world raise the alarm concerning decrease of interest of the readers to reading, which is of great value in society development. It is caused an investigation issue of the given problem in the article of Amanova G.K. In the article is given an analysis of culture content of the reading of modern reader on example of PSU students.
The scientific library workers Kurbatova N.K., Boranalinova A., Kaysina G.K., Makarenko T.A., Gordienko О.С., Kitanova А.В. prepared an article on the problems of library local lore by means of PSU work experience: “Bibliographic resources as a source of studying history of Pavlodar region” in the collection “Materials of the scientific-practical conference” - “Social-economical presuppositions and priorities of the development of Pavlodar Priirtyshie”.- Pavlodar: PSU, 2008.-Т.1.- P.25-28. Also you can find in this collection an article of the head of scientific library Issamadieva S.A. “Scietific library named after academician S.Beysembaev: present and past”.