Research Activity

1. The Department’s fields of research

The Department conducts research in the following fields:

Razrabotka fundamentalnyh osnov logicheskogo obrazovaniya v vysshey shkole [Development of the Fundamentals of Logical Education in Higher School], supervised by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor B. N. Drobotun. The following works have been performed (under this research field):

a) 4 monographs published abroad (the Russian Federation (two of which were published twice (2007, 2009) and 2, were translated into Kazakh);

b) 2 study guides, recommended for publication by the Republican Board for Curriculum Support and Development of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and K. I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University;

c) scientific articles published in Kazakhstan and abroad and reports delivered at international and national scientific and practical conferences;

d) 14 realized plans of implementation into mathematics-related academic programs of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Undergraduate and graduate students, being supervised by B. N. Drobotun, make a significant contribution to the development of the given field of research. In particular, the following Master’s degree students, N. I. Mukhametzyanova, R. T. Akhmetov, Ye. Sh. Oralov, O. I. Panasenko, N. B. Yeginbayeva, and others, also undergraduate students, Z. Yergali, M. Kusmanova, Ye. Dzhussupova, M. Zhanyspayeva, G. Sarsenbayeva, R. Sadykova, D. Temirkhanova, V. Gaydak, and others, were awarded first, second and third place prizes of international conferences held in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students together with their scientific supervisors published more than 30 scientific papers in various scientific periodicals of Kazakhstan and prepared more than 25 reports for both international and national scientific conferences.

The result of this activity was the successful defense of 9 Master’s theses and more than 15 graduation theses. In total, more than 150 scientific works on this subject have been published, including 4 monographs, 3 study guides and 3 training packages.

The main publications are as follows:

1) Методические аспекты изучения алгебраических систем в высшем учебном заведении. Монография. Новосибирск: изд-во НГУ, 2007. – 251с. (в соавторстве с С.С.Гончаровым и А.А.Никитиным). Перевод на казахский язык: Жоғарғы оқу орындарында алгебралық жүйелерді оқып-үйренудің әдістемелік аспектілері. Монография. Қарағанды, Басылым ҰҒТАО ҚФ, издание первое: 2011.-287 б. Издание второе: 2012.-202 б. Орысшадан аударған Қ. Жетпісов, Ж.А. Түсіпов.

2) Алгебраические и алгоритмические свойства логических исчислений. Части I и II. Монография.- Новосибирск: изд-во НГУ, 2008. Часть I –221с. Часть II - 376с.

Алгебраические и алгоритмические свойства логических исчислений. Части I и II. Издание второе исправленное и дополненное. Монография.- Новосибирск: изд-во Учреждения Российской академии образования «Институт педагогических исследований одаренности детей», 2009. – Часть I, 226 с. Часть II, 360 с. (в соавторстве с С.С.Гончаровым и А.А.Никитиным).

3) Руководство к решению задач по дискретной математике и математической логике. Части I и II. Учебное пособие. Павлодар: Кереку, 2010. - Часть I, 380 с. Часть II, 339 с.

4) Алгоритмические проблемы в курсе «Математическая логика» и методика их изучения. Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия педагогическая, 2007, том 8, выпуск 2, с. 29 -38.

5) О роли математической логики в образовании по математическим направлениям. //Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: Математика, механика, информатика, том 8 , выпуск 1, 2008, стр. 15 -22. (в соавторстве с С.С.Гончаровым).

6) Основания дидактики обучения логико-алгебраическим дисциплинам в высшей школе. Часть I . Научно-теоретические и идейно-методологические предпосылки. Монография.- Новосибирск: изд-во Учреждения Российской академии образования «Институт педагогических исследований одаренности детей», 2011. – 270с. (в соавторстве с С.С.Гончаровым и А.А.Никитиным).

7) К проблеме формирования и развития фундаментальных основ логического образования в средней общеобразовательной школе. I, II. Педагогические заметки. Научный журнал учреждения Российской академии образования «Институт педагогических исследований одаренности детей», Новосибирск, часть I -2010. Т.3, вып 2, с 21-35, часть II - 2011. Т.4, вып. 2, стр. 21-38. (в соавторстве с С.С.Гончаровым и А.А.Никитиным).

8) Методологическое введение в алгебру. Часть I . Учебное пособие. Павлодар : Кереку. 2014. – 189 с.

Formirovaniye i razvitiye IKT-kompetentnosti pedagogicheskih rabotnikov [The Formation and Development of Teachers’ ICT Competence], the work supervisor: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Vasily Krivoruchko.

Professor V. A. Krivoruchko has received the 2014 Best University Teacher award (previously, he received the same award in 2008); in May 2015, he was elected as a corresponding member of the International Academy CONCORDE (France). He is a member of the Academic Board of the branch of JSC National Center for Professional Development “Orleu”, the Institute for Professional Development of Teachers in Pavlodar region, an expert of JSC “NTsNTI” [the abbreviated name in Russian] from PSU.

The Master’s degree student N. N. Shpigar, supervised by Professor V. A. Krivoruchko, won the third place prize and a certificate of participation in the republican competition “Best Upgraded, Best New Training Program of the Institute for Professional Development of Teachers”, “Best Training Package of the Short Term Course of the Institute for Professional Development of Teachers” held by JSC National Center for Professional Development “Orleu” (Almaty, 2014).

The monograph on the theme of Design of Control and Measurement of Materials to Estimate the ICT Level Competence of Pedagogical Workers: monograph, being originally written in English, was published in France.

The main publications are as follows:

1. New approaches to Teachers’ ICT competence improving in the system of Teachers’ Professional Development (англ.). [Новые подходы к совершенствованию ИКТ-компетентности педагогов в системе повышения квалификации]. 3rd International Science Congress. ISC-2013. 8th & 9th December 2013. Souvenir: Innovation with Global Responsibility. - Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. P.239. International E-Publication (в соавторстве Shpigar Natalya, Makarikhina Inna).

2. Стратегия внедрения системы электронного обучения в Казахстане. Сборник статей по материалам V Международной научно-практической конференция студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и преподавателей «Непрерывное профессиональное образование: теория и практика». – Новосибирск, 2014. С.324-326

3. Внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий в практику работы вуза. Непрерывное профессиональное образование: теория и практика: сборник статей по материалам VI Международной научно-практической конференции преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов. – Новосибирск: САФБД, 2015. С.246-249.

4. Концептуальные подходы к разработке инструмента оценки ИКТ-компетентности педагогических работников. Bulletin d’EUROTALENT-FIDJIP, 2015, № 1. – Paris: Editions du JIPTO. – C. 85-89.

The Department carried out the funded research work on the theme of:

  • Issledovaniye osobennostey primeneniya avtonomnyh tehnicheskih sredstv monitoringa zagryazneniya okruzhayuschey sredy aerozolyami [The Study of the Features of Using Autonomous Engineering Tools for Monitoring of Environmental Pollution by Aerosols] (Agreement with the company LLP ASUEP, Pavlodar, No. 0127, dated from May 30th 2015, contract-based financing amounts to KZT 300,000 for 1 year). The work is performed by Professor, Ph.D. O. G. Potapenko.
  • - Since October 2015, V. I. Fandyushin has been holding the position of Head of the initiative scientific project “Improving the Performance of the Automated Control System of a Low-Power DSP”, with expected financing of KZT 4,000,000.

V. I. Fandyushin participated at the Enterprise’s Solutions competition by presenting the research initiative under the forum “Business Days Pavlodar”, where he was awarded second place prize and a cash prize of KZT 100,000.

The research initiative on the theme of “Development of Mathematical Tools and Computer Software for Processing and Compression of Hyperspectral Aerospace Remote Sensing Images” (supervised by A. Zh. Sarinova) has been certified as the object of copyright (No. 014660049 dated from October 01st 2014, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation, the computer program “Compression of Hyperspectral Aerospace Images”).

In the 2015-2016 academic year, students of the student group VTiP-202, P. Kabanov, A. Zhabatay, A. Sadovskaya, S. Mukanova, K. Zhakupov, V. Ryabov, have entered the University program “Zhas Galym” by presenting the project on the theme of “Research of Algorithms for Processing Hyperspectral Aerospace Images” under the supervision of senior lecturer A. Zh. Sarinova. It has been approved for funding.

The Department’s teaching staff members carry out individual research work within research initiatives:

Theme The work supervisor Deadlines
1 Razrabotka apparatnogo programmnogo kompleksa issledovaniya zagryazneniya okruzhayuschey sredy aerozolyami [Development of a Hardware-Software Complex for the Study of Environmental Pollution by Aerosols] O. G. Potapenko 2017 г.
2 Razrabotka matematicheskogo i programmnogo obespecheniya dlya obrabotki i szhatiya giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy DZZ [Development of MathematicalTools and Computer Software for Processing and Compression of Hyperspectral Aerospace Remote Sensing Images] A. Zh. Sarinova 2018 г.
3 Uluchsheniye raboty avtomatizirovannoy sistemy upravleniya DSP maloy moschnosti [Improving the Performance of the Automated Control System of a Low-Power EAF] V. I. Fandyushin 2018 г.
4 Metodika razvitiya UKT-kompetentnosti buduschih bakalavrov tehniki i tehnologiy v usloviyah poliyazychiya [The Methods of Developing ICT Competence of Future Bachelors of Engineering and Technology in Multilingual Education] R. S. Kuanysheva 2018 г.


The planning of the research in terms of individual work plans of teaching staff members in the Department

The theme of the scientific work The work performer The work on implementation of the plan
1 Issledovaniye osobennostey primeneniya avtonomnyh tehnicheskih sredstv monitoringa zagryazneniya okruzhayuschey sredy aerozolyami [The Study of the Features of Using Autonomous Engineering Tools for Monitoring of Environmental Pollution by Aerosols] O. G. Potapenko Research on the theme of “The Study of the Features of Using Autonomous Engineering Tools for Monitoring of Environmental Pollution by Aerosols” was carried out.
2 Razrabotka matematicheskogo i programmnogo obespecheniya dlya obrabotki i szhatiya giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy DZZ [Development of Mathematical Tools and Computer Software for Processing and Compression of Hyperspectral Aerospace Remote Sensing Images] A. Zh. Sarinova

1. More than 15 scientific papers on the research subject (among them, 2 scientific papers, in scientific journals (the Russian Science Citation Index, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian, Federation, Scopus)) have been published;

2. Participation in 12 international conferences (held in Spain, Moscow, Tomsk, Pavlodar, Astana);

3. The program of aerospace hyperspectral images compression for computer, NI TPU [the abbreviated name in Russian] has been registered;

4. The research project has been successfully developed together with the students in the Department;

5. Two research reports have been prepared together with the students in the Department.

3 Uluchsheniye raboty avtomatizirovannoy sistemy upravleniya DSP maloy moschnosti [Improving the Performance of the Automated Control System of a Low-Power EAF] V. I. Fandyushin

1. Two scientific articles on the research subject have been published;

2. Two research reports have been prepared together with the students in the Department.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the Department’s teaching staff members published 20 scientific papers. Among them, 17 were published in the national journals and three, in the journals of CIS countries. There was one publication in the Kazakh language.

№ п/п Author’s full name Title of publication Type of publication (article, thesis, report etc.) Output data (name of publishing house or journal, No., year, conference, journal number, page numbers) Language Co-authors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Szhatiye giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy putyom fragmentatsii statisticheskih osobennostey i ispolzovaniyem neyronnyh setey [Compression of Aerospace Hyperspectral Images by Fragmentation of Statistical Characteristics and Using of Neural Networks] article

The international research and practical conference “Innovation in Education: Search and Solutions”

Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015

4 -
2 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Features of the Development of Algorithms and Parallel Computing Methods article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The XV Satpayev Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2015. 6 P. A. Kabanov
3 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Modulnoye proyektirovaniye programmnyh sredstv v srede Visual Studio C++ [The Modular Design of the Software in Visual Studio C ++ Environment] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The XV Satpayev Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2015. 6 Ye. Sagyntay
4 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Lossless compression of hyperspectral images with pre-byte processing and intra-bands correlation article Universidad Nacional de Colombia. DYNA. 82 (190), pp. 166-172. April, 2015 Medellín. ISSN 0012-7353 Printed, ISSN 2346-2183 Online DOI. Scopus, Tomson Reuters. 7 Alexander Zamyatin & Pedro Cabral
5 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Szhatiye giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya zemli bez poter [The Compression of Aerospace Hyperspectral Images of Remote Sensing Without Losses] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The Toraighyrov Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2015 5 -
6 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Predvaritelnaya obrabotka algoritmov szhatiya giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy v primenenii veyvlet preobrazovaniy [Preliminary Processing of Algorithms of Aerospace Hyperspectral Images Compression in Using of Wavelet Decomposition] article The Bulletin of PSU. The series Physics and Mathematics. No. 4, Pavlodar, 2015 5 -
7 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Obrabotka aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy v tsyfrovoy obrabotke dannyh [Processing of Aerospace Images in Digital Data Processing] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The Toraighyrov Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 P. A. Kabanov
8 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Taym-menedzhment studenta universiteta v informatsionnyh tehnologiyah [Time Management of University Students in Information Technology] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The Toraighyrov Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 Yeldos Mussalim
9 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Tehnologiya veyvlet preobrazovaniy v obrabotke giperspektralnyh dannyh [The Technology of Wavelet Decomposition in the Processing of Hyperspectral Data] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The Toraighyrov Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 -
10 Assiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova Obrabotka i algoritmy szhatiya giperspektralnyh aerokosmicheskih izobrazheniy s uchetom mezhdiapazonnoy korrelyatsii i primeneniya indeksirovaniya [Processing and Algorithms of Compression of Aerospace Hyperspectral Images in terms of Crossband Correlation and Using of Indexing] article The proceedings of the XV A. F. Terpugov International Conference, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling. Altai region, Altai district, Katun village, 2016 6 -
11 Аман гелді Н. SQL механизмдерінің көмегімен мәліметтерді қорғауды қамтамасыз ету әдістері. article Материалы международной конференции молодых ученых « XIII Сатпаевские чтения», г. Павлодар, 201 6 , Т. 22 . Стр. 1 50 - 155   Балгабаева Г.С. Жомарт К.
12 Raushan Saylauovna Kuanysheva Analiz professionalnoy podgotovki bakalavrov tehniki i tehnologii [Analysis of Vocational Training of Bachelors of Engineering and Technology] article The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate, undergraduate and school students “The XVI Satpayev Readings” Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 Russian -
13 Raushan Saylauovna Kuanysheva Problemy formirovaniya UKT-kompetentnosti buduschih bakalavrov tehniki i tehnologiy v usloviyah poliyazychnogo obrazovaniya [The Problem of Forming ICT Competence of Future Bachelors of Engineering and Technology in Multilingual Education] article Informatization of Education: Theory and Practice. The proceedings of the international scientific practical conference, Omsk, the publishing house OmGPU, 2015, p. 156-158 Russian -
14 Мажит З . С . Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology. тезисы Contributed papers. Volume 2. P.358-361. Minsk, Belarus, 2015. 4  
15 Мажит З . С . Ионизационное равновесие в частично ионизованной водородной плазме article Вестник ПГУ. Серия физико-математическая. 2015. №3. С.55-62 7  
16 Мажит З . С . Шала иондалған, төмен температуралы плазманың кинетикалық үлгісі thesis Материалы междунар. науч. конф. молодых ученых, студентов и школьн. « C VI Сатпаевские чтения». Т.22. 2016. С.345-348. 4 О. Г. Потапенко, А.Т. Абенова
17 Мажит З . С . The Ionization Degree of Partially Ionized Hydrogen Plasmas abstract PNP-15. August 30- September 4, 2015.Book of abstracts. Almaty: 2015. P.104. 1 -
18 S. N. Talipov Sredstva obespecheniya informatsionnoy bezopasnosti dlya personalnogo kompyutera i mobilnyh ustroystv [The Tools of Information Security for Personal Computers and Mobile Devices]   The Bulletin of PSU No.2-2016 (0.3 publishing sheets)    
19 O. G. Potapenko Perspektivy razvitiya giperlokalnyh mediaproyektov v Kazakstane [Prospects of Development of Hyperlocal Media Projects in Kazakhstan]   The proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, university and school students “The XVI Satpayev Readings” V.22. 2016. P.345-348 4 A. Nuralinov


International Cooperation Activity

- A. Zh. Sarinova: The postgraduate research program in Mathematical and Computer Software of Computing Complexes, Machines and Networks at Scientific and Research Tomsk State University, the Faculty of Computer Science. The successful completion of the final certification of postgraduate students. The passing of examinations for the candidate’s degree. Year 3, the Russian Federation, Tomsk.

- R. S. Kuanysheva: The postgraduate research program in Theory and Methods of Education and Upbringing (Informatization of Education, the Level of Higher Education) at the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Omsk State Pedagogical University. The dissertation’s title: The Methods of Development of Information and Communication Technology Competence of Future Bachelors of Engineering and Technology in the Conditions of Polylinguism. She has published two articles in the field of research.

Following the results of the VIth Competition held under the European Union program “TEMPUS” in October 2013, the European Commission selected three projects of S. Toraighyrov PSU for funding, one of which is performed by the Department.