Full name: Oleg Grigoryevich Potapenko

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Academic rank: professor, the member of the International Academy of Informatization

Education: higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, Electric Power Supply of Industrial Plants (1975) Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Automation of Electrothermal Processes and Production (1982).

Courses taught: Special Matters of Computer Systems Engineering, Organization of ECM, Automatization of Electrotechnological Processes and Producing Operations, the Basics of Systems Theory.

Professional experience: 40 years

  • Publications: 6 inventions and 63 research papers

Field of research: automated systems of information processing and management

Professional achievements:

Certificate for contribution to the social development and prosperity of independent Kazakhstan from the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (2002);

Certificate of Merit from Akim of Pavlodar for long-term fruitful work (2005);

Honoured Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006);

Corresponding Member of the International Informatization Academy (2006);

S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal (2010);

Full Member of the International Informatization Academy (since 2014).

He supervised theses of 14 Master’s degree students.


Full name: Leonid Grigoryevich Khomutenko

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: Professor

Education: higher; Leonid Grigoryevich graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University with a degree in Mathematics in 1967. In 1974 he defended his candidate’s dissertation at Dnepropetrovsk State University.

Courses taught: Information Theory, Mathematical Methods and Models, Probability Theory, Informational Safety, Applicable Information Theory

Professional experience: 49 years

  • Publications:

Field of research: Functions approximation theory

Professional achievements:-


Full name: Vladimir Ivanovich Phandushin

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor of PSU

Education: 1. Higher; Vladimir Ivanovich graduated from Pavlodar Industrial Institute with a degree in Electricity Supply of Industrial Enterprises in 1981; 2. Postgraduate school at Moscow Power Engineering Institute, an academic degree in Automated Electrotechnological Installations and Systems, 1991.

Courses taught: Theory of Computing Processes, Computer Networks, System Programming, Artificial Intelligence Systems, Computer Systems Interfaces.

Professional experience: 30 years

    • Publications: 4

Field of research: microprocessor management systems, architecture of ECM, microprocessor machines.

Professional achievements:

1. Certificate of Saint Petersburg National Open University for education development, completion of the course entitled “Architecture and organization of ECM”;

2. Certificate of Saint Petersburg National Open University for education development, completion of the course entitled “The basics of microprocessor machines”.


Full name: Natalya Nikolayevna Pudich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: -

Academic rank: -

Education: higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, Electric Power Supply of Industrial Plants (1991)

Courses taught: Automation of typical technological systems, Elements and Automatics, Models and methods of management, simulation, design data bases Automated management systems, interfaces of computer systems, expert systems, database design processes, use of computers in automation systems, process measurement and appliances, Programming and database design, internet technology, software development tools tools, Engineering and computer graphics

Professional experience: 13 years

  • Publications: 27 research papers and teaching materials

Field of research: mathematical modeling of control objects; controller system of the latest generation.

Professional achievements:

1. Professional development course at E4-SibKOTES LLP, 72 hours (November 5-30, 2012).

2. Professional development course "Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process" (February 2013).

3. Certificate of Merit from the administration of S. Toraighyrov PSU (2013).

4. Letter of appreciation from the administration of S. Toraighyrov PSU (2013).

5. Letter of appreciation (2014).

6. Training courses "Introduction to bases of LEGO robotics (WeDo, MINDSTORMS on the language EV3). Bases of programming in Scratch environment "as part of the educational project" The League of Robots" (2016).


Full name: Asiya Zhumabayevna Sarinova

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Informatics

Academic rank: -

Education: Higher: Innovative University of Eurasia, 370140 Computer Systems for Information Processing and Management (2009). Postgraduate education: Innovative University of Eurasia, Master of Education in 6N0111 Informatics (2011)

Courses taught: Programming in Algorithmic Languages; Computer Graphics; Computer Networks; Programming Technology; Internet Technology; Foundations of Algorithmization and Programming.

Professional experience: 7 years

  • Publications: over 15 research papers

Field of research: development of methods and algorithms for compression of hyperspectral and multispectral aerospace images

Professional achievements:

1. Participation in the 11th All-Russian ERS Conference held by the Russian Academy of Sciences with a report “Compression of Hyperspectral and Multispectral ERS Images”, Moscow, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.

2. Certificate of state registration of software developed in collaboration with foreign scientists in 2014, Moscow, Tomsk Polytechnic University.

3. Participation in the conference "Satpayev Readings" with reports "Development of Algorithms and Methods of Parallel Computing" and "Modular Design of the Software in the Visual Studio C ++ Environment», scientific supervisor of students' research projects.


Full name: Assem Tulegenovna Abenova

Position: Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Informatics

Academic rank: -

Education: an academic degree in 370140 Computer systems of information processing and management, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2003-2008); a Master’s degree program in 6М011100 Informatics, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2013-2015). l Technologies, at L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (2007-2009).

Courses taught: Expert Systems, Engineering and Computer Graphics, Algorithmical Languages-based Programming, Informatics, Computer Networks, Organization of ECM.

Professional experience: 6 years

  • Publications: over 10.

Field of research: Methodology for organization of mobile training

Professional achievements:

1. Letter of appreciation from the akim of Pavlodar Oblast, 2012.

2. Letter of appreciation in Honor of Faculty’s Day from S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 2013.

3. A full course completion certificate, the title of the course: Digital processing, at Lublinski Technological University (Poland). 2014.


Full name: Raushan Saylauovna Kuanysheva

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master

Academic rank: -

Education: higher,

- S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, "Physics and Computer Engineering", 1998;

- S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, "Lawyer", 2003;

- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Master of Informatics, 2009.

Courses taught: Programming Technology, Mathematical models and methods of logistics, operations research, and elements of automation, Administrative Tools of Windows cybersecurity, information security fundamentals, methods and models of management, Fundamentals of Cyber Security, Ethics, Law and Psychology of cybersecurity

Professional experience: 20 years

  • Publications: over 10 research papers

Field of research: Development of informational and communicative competence of Bachelor of engineering and technology in terms of polylinguism.

Professional achievements: 

- Certificate of the participant of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XVI Satpayev readings", Pavlodar, 2016

- Certificate of the participant of the international scientific-practical conference "Informatization of Education: Theory and Practice", Omsk-2015

- Certificate of participant  of seminar of Thomson Reuters resources for research, 2015

- Letter of Appreciation "For personal contribution to the development of education of Pavlodar region", the Education Department of Pavlodar region in 2011


Full name:  Zhanerke Maratovna Musekenova

Position: Lecturer (Assistant)

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Engineering

Education: 2008-2012, basic, specialty 050704 "Computer Engineering and Software" S. Toraighyrov PSU. Magistracy 2014-2016 years, a specialty - 6M070400 "Computer Engineering and Software" L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

Disciplines taught: information theory, engineering and computer graphics, databases and knowledge, simulation, theory of computing processes, database design of automated control systems.

Experience: 4 years

  • Publications: 

Field of research: Development and research of modern technologies.