The Educational Work Plan of the Department of Geography and Tourism for the 2018-2019 academic year

Organizational events

- On September 03, 2018

Organization and holding of the event “Knowledge Day” for Year one students / Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “Mission, Strategic Goals and Objectives in the Field of Quality of S. Toraighyrov PSU” and “Implementation of the Point Rating System for Students’ Knowledge Evaluation in S. Toraighyrov PSU”;

- September, 2018

Preparation (updating) of social and psychological passports of student groups;

- During the year

Work with orphan students;

- September-October 2018

Participation in the Matriculation event;

- During the year

Work on career guidance, the organization of meetings of student volunteers and school leavers in the city schools;

- During the year

Organization of teachers’ standbys at the University’s academic buildings and Student House;

- December, 2018

Participation in the New Year’s eve for orphan students;

- May-June 2019

Participation in the organization and conduct of the all-Faculties event “Farewell Bell”;

- During the year

Preparation of wall newspapers, participation in debate clubs, KVN.

Patriotic education

- September, 2018

Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “Speaking the State Language is Our Civic Duty”;

- September, 2018

Conducting curatorial hours on the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- November, 2018

A curatorial hour dedicated to the Day of the First President;

- December, 2018

Curatorial hours dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan;

- February, 2019.

Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “About the State Symbols”;

- March, 2019

Curatorial hours on the theme of “Traditions and Customs of the Kazakh people”;

- March, 2019.

Participation in the all-Faculties event dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz;

- May, 2019

Participation in the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan;

- May, 2019

Participation in the all-Faculties event dedicated to the celebration of the Victory Day;

- June, 2019

Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “The University Day”.

Legal education

- November, 2018

Introducing students with “Purposes and Policy in the Field of Quality of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University”;

- January, 2019.

An organizational meeting of students with law enforcement officers / Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “Man and the Law”

Moral education

- November, 2018

Conducting curatorial hours dedicated to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Fight Against Corruption”;

- December, 2018

A month event on AIDS; The competition of posters on the theme of “Beware of AIDS!” A round table on HIV/AIDS;

- March, 2019.

Conducting curatorial hours dedicated to the International Women’s Day March 8 “Take Care of Your Mothers”;

- April, 2019

Curatorial hours on the theme of “Religious Extremism”;

- During the year

A clothes and money collection campaign for orphans and disadvantaged students

Aesthetic education

- During the year

Joint visit of teachers and students of theaters, museums of the city;

- November, 2018

Conducting curatorial hours on the theme of “We Live Among People: Ethics of Behavior in Society”;

- During the year

Organization and holding of meetings with scientists and cultural figures.

Labour education

- During the year

Regular cleaning in the classrooms of the Department;

- April, 2019

Student clean-up

Ecological education

- April, 2019

An ecological hour on “Regional Issues of Sustainable Development”.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

- March, 2019.

Participation in the World Health Day / Curatorial hours on the theme of “On the Fight Against Tuberculosis”

Tourism and sports events

- September, 2018

Participation in the event dedicated to the Health Day;

- September, 2018

Participation in regional competitions in sports tourism dedicated to the International Day of tourism “Golden Autumn”;

- October, 2018

Preparation and participation in the exhibition-Olympiad “Tourism, Algha!” conducted by the Department for Tourism of Pavlodar region;

- October, 2018

Preparation and participation in the annual regional exhibition of tourist opportunities of Pavlodar region;

- March, 2019.

Participation in the annual national University games;

- During the year

Attending sports events held by the University, city, region, and participating in them;

- During the year

PSU Championship in various sports according to the plan of the sports club.

Research work

- During the year

Participation in scientific conferences;

- During the year

Participation in the “Startup” program.