
A wide range of educational activities are carried out throughout the academic year.

1. University-wide Events:

- Day of Knowledge, lessons of the Constitution;

- Health Day (sports events for 1st-year students);

- Student Self-Governance (a 10-day event);

- Matriculation;

- Super Star (a competition for students);

- Declamation competition for students;

- the Teacher's Day Concert held by the Student Philharmonic;

- Toraighyrov Conference, a national research conference;

- Autumn Ball at the Students' House;

- meeting devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- preparation for Valentine's Day, installation of the box for cards, competition of wall newspapers, concert and show “Love at First Sight”;

- preparation for the celebration of International Women's Day, preparing cards for female-lecturers of the Faculty, preparing cards for female students of the Faculty, making a wall-newspaper “Students' Life” devoted to the International Women's Day, a show program “Come on Girls!”;

- surveying students and academic staff to identify the degree of satisfaction with the University;

- University Festival “Student Spring”.

2. Moral Education:

- the “Examination Period without Bribes” campaign, installation of boxes for information, development of questionnaires, data analysis;

- holding the “Bring Joy to Children's Life” campaign;

- holding charity events on the eve of the Children's Day;

- holding a campaign on monitoring the living conditions of orphans and children left without parental care.

3. Labor education and vocational guidance:

- organization of cleanup activities;

- sporting events for students and academic staff members;

- participation in Open Days, meetings with graduates;

- vocational guidance in schools 36, 18 and 34;

- diploma delivery ceremony.

4. Patriotic education:

- meetings with curators “Explanation and Propaganda of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

- participation in the national campaign “We Are Building Our Future! - We Are Building a New Kazakhstan”;

- a debate week;

- participation in the research conference “Independent Kazakhstan”, Prospects of Pavlodar region's development;

- Nauryz, preparation for the celebration;

- holding meetings with curators devoted to ethics of modern relations among the Kazakhs;

- XV Satpayev Conference, an international research conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren;

- debates on environmental protection;

- Student Self-Governance (a 10-day campaign);

- participation in the events dedicated to Kazakhstan's Peoples Unity Day;

- concert dedicated to the celebration of the Fatherland Defender's Day;

- wall newspaper “I Am a Citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

- concert program for the Victory Day celebration;

- Ulketanu-2008 expedition.